When someone sustains a catastrophic injury or is killed on the job, they may assume – or may have been told – that the only compensation they can collect is from the employer’s worker’s compensation insurance.

You, might have more options, however, if that workplace accident results from the negligence of a third party such as, for example:

  • A subcontractor who leaves a gas line open that causes an explosion
  • A contractor’s employee causes a wreck
  • A defective product that failed while you were using it at work

You may be able to collect more than the set worker’s compensation limits. At Heath Injury Law LLC, we have the experience and resources to help you identify and recover compensation from third parties who are at fault.

Beyond Worker’s Compensation

In many job sites – such as construction zones and manufacturing floors – work injury is part of the landscape. Although general contractors and employers have a duty to maintain a safe workplace, third parties such as subcontractors, suppliers, and maintenance workers can create a situation where there might be a serious or even fatal accident that is not the fault of the employer.

An inexperienced workers’ compensation attorney might advise you to avoid a lawsuit, take the settlement, and move on.

Our attorneys know that a workplace accident caused by the negligence of a subcontractor, supplier, or defective product demands the skills of experienced personal injury attorneys to get you the maximum recovery. This can also help your employer reduce its worker’s compensation liens by shifting liability to the real party at fault.

If you have been catastrophically injured or are making a wrongful death claim in a workplace accident where there might be third party liability, contact the attorneys at Heath Injury Law LLC to learn more about how we can help protect your rights. Fill out this intake form, or call:  816-931-0048